September 2021
Volume 2 Issue 1

Why Alliance Families Are
Choosing Independent Schools
By Rob Evans

The counseling and support of the 38th cohort (C38) of Independent School Alliance Candidates and their families are well underway. As part of that support, families have the opportunity to share their aspirations, goals, and desired outcomes for their child’s or children’s education. During our individual meetings with families, we are building one-on-one relationships that enable the Alliance to share our knowledge, provide guidance on the best possible match considering their stated family values, and provide advocacy with our member schools. We are the shoulder families can lean on throughout the entire admission process.
For sure, there are barriers that students and families of color face in accessing and applying to an independent school are complicated. It's clear that the largest perceived barrier with independent schools for families of color is the lack of helpful and sufficient information. When asked, however, why they were choosing to place their child in an independent school, there were many reasons selected with the following two main themes emerging:
The name of the school is of less concern than the ability to find an appropriate “match” that meets the needs of their individual students.
Families still need much more help finding the best match, even as information and technology have made schools more visible.
Parents shared how independent schools seemed better equipped and more knowledgeable about education, leading to a more positive experience for children. In the same conversations, parents repeatedly acknowledged how challenging it is to select the type of school that is best for their children. Using language from a recent study from the National Association of Independent Schools on why families choose independent schools, C38 families overwhelmingly cited their interests in an independent school as primarily about identifying a school that would “support the social and emotional development—not just test scores and academic curriculum—so they will be well-rounded and productive in society.” (Torres, 2019)
Some of the families cited smaller class sizes and more individualized attention for students. Other families emphasized the opportunities for more challenging coursework, more exposure to the arts, access to different languages, and most importantly, a great emphasis placed on core values and service to the community.
Indeed, while all of the parents wanted quality academic and social supports geared to their child’s unique needs, the parents of C38 are overwhelmingly more interested in finding a school community that will support the whole child for the benefit of the students and society, regardless of the school name.
To get support in finding an appropriate school home for their child or children, families shared all of the various ways they have attempted to find a school home. Throughout the conversations with parents of C38, they informed us that they reached out to other families on social media and in-person to find out about their actual lived experiences at a particular school: about the school culture, parent involvement, type of learning environment, quality of education, and racialized experiences.
During our time with individual families, they shared that they gathered information through friends and neighbors, and sometimes from educators at their current school who had strong opinions about the best match as a student prepares to transition to a new school.
​​Parents we spoke with said they were diligent about doing their research online but did not know what information they could trust, which is why they relied so heavily on word-of-mouth information and why they ultimately decided to work with the Alliance. They trusted the Alliance to know the educational philosophies, programs, opportunities, and teaching practices the schools claimed to offer would match reality if their children were to enroll. With over 36 years of experience, relationships, and expertise, parents repeatedly highlighted how much more they trusted information from the Alliance about the practices and philosophies of independent schools than glossy brochures and website marketing materials.
In the end, all families applying for independent schools must find the school that provides the best match, assess whether schools and educators are providing the right supports, and once enrolled, constantly advocate for their children. For the families of cohort 38, the final school choice will depend on the social needs of their child and their child’s learning style. But, equally, if not more important, who the school would help the child become.
In the World of Admissions

Calling All Alliance Seniors
Class of 2022, we'd love to celebrate you in the Spring! We will be highlighting your college decisions and awarding four scholarships.
Reflections from Alumna Azizi Williams

Azizi Williams
Head of School
Children's Community School
As a student in independent schools growing up, I had moments when I wondered if I belonged. There were very few students in my schools who looked like me, no educators in my classes shared my identity and school culture norms felt foreign. In my 8th grade, my family had the privilege of partnering with the Independent School Alliance to support my transition into high school. There was a palpable sense of comfort when I visited with the Alliance staff as they guided my family and I through the admissions process. I later learned that the Alliance advocated on my behalf to attend the school I was most interested in. The Alliance events for high school students
created spaces for me to connect with other students of color in independent schools. Participating in these gatherings was the first time I didn’t feel alone navigating race in institutions that hadn’t yet learned how to invite student perspectives or support. Because of experiences like the ones I had with Alliance, I’ve dedicated my life to supporting all student’s sense of belonging in independent schools. I want students of color, students on financial aid, non-binary students- all students to feel welcomed in our schools.


Across Colors Diversity Conference is thrilled to announce our keynote speakers. Our first speaker Nikole Hannah-Jones covers racial injustice for The New York Times Magazine, and has spent years chronicling the way official policy has created—and maintains—racial segregation in housing and schools. Her deeply personal reports on the Black experience in America offer a compelling case for greater equity.
Hannah-Jones is the creator of the New York Times Magazine’s “The 1619 Project,” about the history and lasting legacy of American slavery, for which her powerful introductory essay was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. She is currently writing a book on school segregation called The Problem We All Live With, to be published on the One World imprint of Penguin/Random House.
Our next keynote speaker: noted author Clint Smith, staff writer at The Atlantic. He is the author of the narrative nonfiction book, How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America which was a #1 New York Times Bestseller.
Additionally, Clint is the author of the poetry collection Counting Descent, which won the 2017 Literary Award for Best Poetry Book from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association and was a finalist for an NAACP Image Award.
Join us November 6, 2021 for the Across Colors Diversity Conference.
Inviting Member School Heads
Opportunities & Resources

Roadmap to Independent
School Admission
September 29, 2021
November 3, 2021
6:00-7:00 PM
Kindergarten Admission Seminar
October 6, 2021
6:00-7:00 PM
Financial Aid Information Night
December 8, 2021
6:00-7:00 PM
Practicing Together: Navigating Conversations About Antiracism
Oct 05, 2021 9:00AM—12:00PM
Oct 07, 2021 9:00AM—12:00PM
Why Do Independent Schools Exist?
You've read why Cohort 38 chose the Alliance, now read this really interesting piece on why independent school exists by John Gulla of the EE Ford Foundation. Enjoy!

Fiscal Year 2021 Donor Giving
Thank You to our Fiscal Year 2021 Donors!
A.B. Fischer
Abbey Landers
Abel and Tracy Lezcano
Aimee Richer
Aisha Hinds
Akieva & Martin Jacobs
Alan Braun
Alec Hampton
Alena & John Hwang
Alexa & Alex Amin
Alexandra Rojas & Kent Weed
Alice Thomas
Alicia Francois
Alison Griffin
Alma Medina & Colin Hampson
Alyson Messenger
Alyssa Phaneuf
Alysse & Gordon Bobb
Amanda Gates
Amita & Harshith Ramesh
André Des Rochers
André Mulyono
Andrew Horne
Andrew Howard
Andrew Massa
Andrew Northup
Andrew Osborne
Andrew Robbins
Andrew Skaggs
Andy Wang
Angel Solano
Angela Alston
Angela Robinson
Anita Martin
Ann Diederich
Anne Tait
Ann-Marie Whitman
Anthony Locke
April King
Arry Yaghmai & Ahmad Moalej
Azizi Williams
Benjamin Brainard
Berni Barta
Blake Hillemeyer
Bob Riddle
Brett Mufson
Brian Schmidt
Brian Smith
Brianna Murphy
Brianna Shepard
Bryan Berkett
Bryan Ley
Bryan Slotkin
Caleb Desrosiers
Carlos Gomez
Carol Thomas
Charles Grandy
Cheronda Guyton
Cheryl & Corey Spound
Chika Roulet
Chris Droge
Chris Reene
Christina Kirk
Christina Moore
Christine & James Adams
Christine Hale
Christine Zhang
Christopher Brooks
Christy Haubegger
Chrstine Kim
C-J Mahoney
Clara Williams
Colleen Bartlett
Colleen Lazanich
Connie Fossum
Cotty Chubb
Craig Thomas
Curtistine Spates White
Daleet Spector
Daniel Harrison
Daniel Miller
Daniel Zweben
Danielle & Brian Edwards
Dannielle Carter
Danny Aliaga
Daryl Cramer
David Brenner
David Cropper
David Hammerman
David Heyman
Dawn Cunnion
Debra Langford
Deedyre Burks
Delphine Sourian
Dennis Ellis
Desha Dauchan
Earle LeMasters
Ed Young
Eddie Ishaq
Edward Gargiulo
Edward Hu
Efrem Bryant
Eli Edwards
Elizabeth McGregor
Elizabeth Sayre
Elsa Ramo
Elva Ephriam
Emebet Berhanu
Eric Barber
Eric Brent
Eric Chandler
Eric Mahoney
Eric Michels
Erica Wheeler
Ethel Biosah
Evan Smith
Evan Spiridellis
Fallon & Brent Epstein
Francisco Cruz
Gabriel Cohen
Gabriel Huerta
Galit & Brian Laibow
Galit & Gavin Donnelly
Gavin Curd
George Alcantar
George Ramos
Gracie & Roberto Longoria
Grant Watson
Greg Derin
Greg Silverman
Hao Wu
Heather Morris
Hooman Shabatian
Huaqiang Yuan
Huria & Abhijeet Patwardhan
Hyacinth Young
Ian Young
Jabari Martin
Jacquelyn Cofer
Jaime Dominguez
James Doehle
Jamy Myatt
Jana Posalski & Ken Firtel
Janet Choi
Janette Dodson
Jean Tanaka
Jeffrey Finkelstein
Jeffrey Jaeger
Jeffrey Mihovilovich
Jennifer & Noah Shore
Jennifer Au
Jennifer Cole
Jennifer Yen
Jenny Fan Liu & Zhenjie Zhang
Jeremy Adell
Jeremy Kleiner
Jeremy Parr
Jesse Tofte
Jessica Goldin
Jessica Ngo
Joan Martinez
Joe Blackstone
John Cumming
John Gatins
John Hamburg
Joli Altshule
Jon Lucas
Jon Ringquist
Jonathan Cohen
Jonathan Moonves
Joseph Pontrello
Joseph Winograd
Josh Adler
Josh Pack
Joshua Poag
Joyce & Moises Perez
Julien Thuan
Juliette Bardin
Justin Griffin
Kaela Farrise
Kalysha Murphey
Karyn Kusama
Karyn Palmer
Kate Elortegui
Katerina Minevich-Cortez
Kathryn Tyus-Adair
Kathy Lee
Kelli Beard
Kelli Bernard
Kelly & Sean Gorman
Kemba Pradia
Ken White
Kennetha Cohen-Gaines & Jonah Cohen
Kent Handleman
Kevin and Margaret Garlitz
Kevin Shannon
Khadijah Sharif-Drinkard
Kirsten Albrecht
Kisti Shah
Kristen Melnyk, M.D.
Kwame Dow
Kyle Giesel
Landis Green
Lani Crooks
Laura & Michael Richter
Laura Arenstein
Laurel Baker Tew
Lauren Abraham
Lauren Noecker & Christian Robert
Lauren Stewart
Lauren White
Lauren Windom
Laurie & Chris Harbert
Leah Keith
Les Szijjarto
Lesli Borders
Leslie Rosdol
Leticia Ocana
Lily Zheng
Lina & Michael Cohan
Linda Rose-Winters
Lindsay & Daniel Weinstock
Lindsay Morales
Lindsay Weinstock
Lipp Tony
Lisa Hamilton Daly
Lisa Haney
Lisa Lopez Szijjarto
Loan Dang
Loren Mark Osher
Loretta Gamboa
Lorrie Bartlett
Louise Decordoba
Madison Bradford
Maisha Chappell
Maliha & Adam Fakhri
Marcus Montanile
Marisa Alimento
Marissa & Joshua Hamilton
Mark McKee
Mark Siegel
Martin Millette
Mary Beth & William Barry
Mason Rippey
Matt Goldenberg
Matt Karatz
Matthew Dahar
Matthew Zimmer
McDowell Winn
Mechellet Armelin
Melissa Bouwman
Melissa Strong
Mery Grace Castelo
Michael Blend
Michael Davila
Michael Fess
Michael Karlin
Michael Kascsak
Michael Pinkett
Michael Rubel
Michelle Banks-Armour
Michelle Brown
Michelle Kamme
Michelle Merson
Mike Riera
Mira & Brian Lee
Mona Fakki
Monica Mange Johnson & Corey Johnson
Nathalie Herrera
Nathalie Miller
Nicole Brown
Nicole Gougis
Nicole Hoegl
Nicole Mazzolini
Nigel Lifsey
Nina Shaw
Noelle & Jeffrey Mercer
Nokuthula Ngwenyama
Oleg Elkhunovich
Olga & Greg Barnes
Olivia Brown
Omabuwa Ijirigho
Oscar Cancio
Paisley Boney
Paola Santos
Pat Avolio
Patricia & Charles Murray
Patrick Wallace
Patti Finkelstein
Paul Battaglia
Paul Schmidt
Peyton Lacy
Phillip Ferry
Prades Maxime
Punita Khanna
Rachael Blumberg
Rachel Nalutaaya
Rakhee & Raynald Alston
Rebecca Agbe-Davies
Renee Gallegos
Rhonda Foster
Rich Litvin
Richard Commons
Richard Strauss
Robert Lu
Robin Landau
Rochelle Gerson
Rochelle Raznick
Rodrigo Flores
Roger Harui
Ron & Jodi Rose
Rose Catherine Pinkney
Rose Helm
Rukshan Mistry
Ruth English
Ruth English
Ryan Gilmour
Salvatore Capone
Sam Yadegar
Samantha Henry
Sandi Tamkin
Sandra Har
Sarah Jallo
Sarah Rivera
Scott Borenstein
Scott Kalt
Scott Wanamaker
Scott Watkins
Scott Zimmermann
Shannon Alexander
Sharon Markenson
Shawnte Clewis
Shelton Wilder
Sherli & Mishel Mikail
Shonda & Yohance Thompson
Simon Furie
Stacy & Jesse Sharf
Stacy Matthews
Stephanie Goldsmith
Stephanie Zhang & Victor Jiang
Stephen Motta
Steve Artiga & Huey Merchant
Steve Witmer
Steven Casey
Steven Parker
Steven Stuart
Steven Tolbert
Suxi Li
Suzanne Scott
Sylvia Swilley
Sytana Khloth
Talib & Leena Fakhri
Tamara Kagel
Tamara Patterson
Tami Burks
Tamryn Wilkins
Tanya Cohen
Tara DeRosa
Tara Perry
Tara Peterson
Teresa Medina
Terra Potts
Teyanna Williams
Thomas Greenberg
Tiffany Alexander Aldridge & Erikk Aldridge
Tina & Rob Evans
Tom Blackwood
Tom Nolan
Tony & Nancy Etz
Tracy Burnett
Trang Tran
Trina Moore-Southall
Trudy Baylock
Valerie Rubio Lemmon
Vaughn Gill
Victor Castillo
Victor Yip
Victoria Andersson
Vida Spears
Walter Maynard
Wendy Lu
William Norris
Wilson Teo
Wisdom Lu
Yance Ford
Yong Lee
Yvonne Cooper
Zulma & Wilson Arriaza
Albrecht Evans Family Fund
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLC
Bowman Medical Group
Bronfman Hauptman Foundation
CalNonprofits Insurance Services
Carlthorp School
Chadwick School
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences
Curtis School
First Republic Bank
Flakky Foyeh, Inc.
Fleiss Family Fund
Flowerlink, LLC
Fortress Investment Group
Frends Beauty Supply, Inc.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Goldhirsh-Yellin Foundation
Hampson-Medina Family Fund
Hart In The House
Harvard-Westlake School
Jewish Communal Fund
Latham & Watkins
Lockton Insurance Brokers
Marlborough School
Marymount High School
Muhammad Shahzad
Network For Good
Pacifica Christian School
Polytechnic School
Quinn Emanuel Foundation
Raytheon Company
Schindler Johnson Family Trust
Shapiro/Schwartz Family Fund
Shelley Davis CEO and Founder
of Kinky-Curly
Sidney Stern Memorial
Sony Pictures Ent. Inc.
Test Innovators Inc.
The Archer School for Girls
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Edouard R Gerschel Foundation
The Gorman Family Fund
The Jewish Community Foundation
The Jim Cox Jr. Foundation
The John Thomas Dye School
The Johnny Carson Foundation
The Joseph Drown Foundation
The Simon-Strauss Foundation
The Terry Family Charitable Fund
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
The Waverly School
The Wesley School
Turning Point School
Velvet Film
Westmount Asset Management
Westridge School for Girls
Westside Neighborhood School
Windward School
Your School Partner Inc
The Independent School Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our work relies on the generosity of our donors. To make a tax-deductible gift to the Alliance, click the
Donate button below.